Lisa J

Fresh Twist client since 2008

Judy from Fresh Twist Interiors is amazing! She has helped me design or decorate almost every room of my house. I love that I can come to her with an idea, she will let me know if it will work, or not, and always seems to expand on my idea putting the “fresh twist” that it needs.

Judy has such vision when it comes to looking at the whole picture. She sees not only what is needed for the beauty of the room, but how it will function best for my needs, which is so important in my opinion.

Her space planning and eye for scale is amazing. I love that she is not stuck in just one style. She helped me with my house, and a more than a few friends’ homes, and they are all different, they are all wonderful, and they all reflective everyone’s personality.

Judy is very generous with her ideas, time, and just wonderful to work with!